Welcome to Busy mums fitness corner podcast - Manifesting through Motherhood- your host Lyndsay Williams
Nov. 19, 2023

Reducing Chrsitmas overwhelm and stress and managing its expectations!

Reducing Chrsitmas overwhelm and stress and managing its expectations!

Navigating the Sea of Christmas Overwhelm: Finding Calm Amidst the Chaos


The festive season is upon us, and with it comes the magical whirlwind of Christmas preparations. While the holidays are often associated with joy and celebration, it's no secret that they can also bring a sense of overwhelming stress. From shopping for the perfect gifts to decorating the house and planning elaborate feasts, the pressure to create a flawless Christmas experience can take its toll. So, how do we navigate the sea of Christmas overwhelm and find calm amidst the chaos?


Set Realistic Expectations:


It's easy to get swept up in the holiday spirit and envision a picture-perfect Christmas straight out of a movie. However, setting realistic expectations is crucial for avoiding overwhelm. Recognise that not everything has to be flawless, and imperfections can add a touch of authenticity to the festivities.  Having family conversations can be useful, especially around what everyone's expectations are.  Having firm boundaries is important because we should be able to do what we want on Christmas Day.  It isn’t about pleasing everyone else or everyone’s opinions.


Prioritise Self-Care:


Amidst the hustle and bustle, it's essential to prioritise self-care. Take moments to recharge, whether it's through a quiet cup of tea, a brisk walk, or a few minutes of meditation. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup, and taking care of yourself enables you to take better care for others.  Don’t undo all the positive habit stacking, fitness and good eating.  December counts just as much all it takes is a little bit more nurturing from yourself and saying NO occasionally.


Delegate and Collaborate:


Christmas is a time for togetherness, so don't hesitate to delegate tasks and collaborate with family and friends. Whether it's decorating the tree, preparing a meal, or wrapping gifts, sharing responsibilities not only lightens the load but also fosters a sense of community and shared joy.  As a parent delegating amongst friends can be quite resourceful with the mutual energy exchange.

Christmas can be quite hectic and we have a habit of taking on extra responsibilities.



Simplify Traditions:


While traditions are a wonderful part of the holiday season, it's okay to simplify them. Focus on the traditions that bring the most joy and consider letting go of the ones that add unnecessary stress. Remember, the essence of Christmas lies in meaningful connections, not in the quantity of activities.  I remember growing up we didn’t have all the materialistic traditions we now smother our children in, such as Elf on the Shelf, Christmas Eve boxes, and Extravagant Santa visits at such a high cost for a 2-minute visit, we had shopping centers or school visits.  A selection box and a calendar, are at a push for most, but now we have so many social media pressures to compete with it just gets bigger and bigger each year and where does it stop?  Christmas for me was church Christmas Eve, visiting Nan and Grandad’s or Aunties for Christmas Day.  Maybe a Christmas jumper and some party games.  I always remember my mum used to put the Christmas decorations up whilst I was at school to surprise me, I used to be excited each day walking home from school and trying to peep at the top window of the house to see if I could see the shiny colourful hanging ceiling decorations that used to attach to the ceiling fan, with the Christmas lights glistening from them.  Her face used to light up with glee from my face I knew that brought her joy, that’s when Christmas started for us.  They were my childhood memories, we all used to be so grateful for what we had, imagine the pressures today of our parents back then having to cope with social media to keep up with the neighbours.  Life wasn’t a competition back then people worked hard to get what they could afford.


Mindful Gift-Giving:


Instead of succumbing to the pressure of extravagant gift-giving, consider a more mindful approach. Thoughtful, personalised gifts often carry more meaning than expensive ones. Set a budget, make a list, and avoid last-minute shopping to reduce the stress associated with gift-giving.   Having an honest conversation with friends or family members can reduce the financial burden of overspending or getting into debt.  Some people have large families and it becomes more about affordability.  No one should feel the pinch.


Embrace Imperfections:


The pursuit of perfection can be a major source of Christmas overwhelm. Embrace imperfections, whether it's in your holiday decor, cooking, or even family dynamics. Realise that the most cherished memories often arise from unexpected and imperfect moments.  Don’t give in to social media pressures, going back to basics can be just as perfect and if family members don’t like it then that’s ok too.  


Create breathing Room:


Avoid over-committing to a hectic schedule. Allow for breathing room in your plans to accommodate unexpected events or simply to enjoy spontaneous moments with loved ones. A more relaxed approach can help alleviate the pressure and make the season more enjoyable.  We shouldn’t be undoing all the good throughout the year take regular breaks and days off that our ours to choose how we see fit. We need time to take a breath and catch up emotionally and physically.  


Remember, Christmas is a time to celebrate love, joy, and connection. By adopting a mindful and intentional approach, you can navigate the sea of Christmas overwhelm and create a holiday season filled with warmth and meaningful moments.