Welcome to Busy mums fitness corner podcast - Manifesting through Motherhood- your host Lyndsay Williams
April 7, 2024

Are your poor fitness levels reducing your every day motivation??

Are your poor fitness levels reducing your every day motivation??

Here are some fun and motivating tips to help busy mums like yourself boost your fitness levels while managing your bustling lives:

Integrate Movement into Daily Routines: 
Turn chores into mini-workouts. 
Dance while vacuuming or do calf raises while washing dishes. Every bit of movement counts!Family Fitness Fun: 

Involve the kids! Go for bike rides, play tag, or create a backyard obstacle course. It's a great way to spend quality time together while staying active.

Short and Sweet Workouts: Lack time for a full workout? Opt for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions that can be squeezed into busy schedules. Just 15-20 minutes can have a significant impact!

If you struggle with disability then you can adapt exercise to your needs.( book a 1-1 call for any fitness adaptions and advice) 

Track Your Progress: Use a fitness app or journal to track your activities and progress. Seeing your achievements can be a huge motivator!

Set Realistic Goals: Small, achievable goals can lead to big results over time. 
Celebrate every victory, no matter how small, to keep the motivation flowing.

Find Your Fitness Tribe: Join a local exercise class or online fitness community. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can boost your commitment and provide a support network.

Mix It Up: Keep your workouts exciting by trying different activities. Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, or even rock climbing—variety can keep boredom at bay and challenge different muscle groups.

Self-Care for Success: Remember that rest and recovery are just as important as the workouts themselves. 

Ensure you're getting enough sleep and treating your body to some well-deserved relaxation.

Nutrition is Key: Fuel your fitness journey with nutritious meals and snacks. Balanced eating supports energy levels and recovery, making your workouts more effective.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after workouts. 
Proper hydration is crucial for optimal performance and recovery.

Be Patient and Persistent: Fitness is a journey, not a destination. Progress can be slow and non-linear, but with consistency, you'll see improvements.

Celebrate Your Success: Acknowledge your hard work and dedication. 

Treat yourself to a massage, a new workout outfit, or a quiet evening with a good book—whatever feels like a reward to you!Remember, fitness should be fun and something you look forward to, not a chore. 

Find activities you love, and fitness will become a natural part of your lifestyle! 💪🌟

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